Posts tagged vacation
Exposure is a Lesson

“One day...we’re going to take the kids to Hawaii!”, “We really want to travel over to Europe, but we’re waiting until the kids are older”; “We really want to go out West and see the Grand Canyon and yellowstone, but our summers are just too busy”. Do any of those statements sound familiar to you? The average American family doesn’t think they spend enough time together. Between school, work, sports, and extracurricular activities it’s no surprise that we are all feeling disconnected and burned out. The best way to reconnect with your loved ones is to get away. No distractions and no excuses: just you and your kids (or Grandkids) spending “quality time”, enjoying each other’s company and maybe even experiencing an unfamiliar culture together. “Next Year, maybe” turns into the year after that...and so forth...until you “blink” and are sitting at their high school graduation wondering what the hell happened!

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Seven Things NOT To Do In Hawaii

Hawaii is such a unique and diverse vacation destination and US travelers are rushing to plan their trips there during this time when domestic travel feels “safer”. After all, Hawaii can actually feel like an exotic, international vacation without ever leaving the good ole USA. There is so much to do in the Hawaiian Islands – a wide range of activities and experiences – however, I always like to share some top things NOT to do when visiting.

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Five Lessons Learned

I’ve been fortunate to travel domestically and internationally. During each trip, I have learned a lesson that I like to keep in my toolbox for the next opportunity or share with someone else.

I’ve decided to write about five lessons I’ve learned on a couple of my trips. Hopefully, it’s helpful to you on your next adventure. Share with me if you’ve found any of these useful and which do you plan to utilize on your experience.

Second Times The Charm

A guided tour is an awesome way to visit a new country. The schedule is already made and you have a trusted and knowledgeable guide to help with the inevitable translations and navigation. However, some tour days can be jam-packed with visiting all of the main attractions within one day.

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