What Makes The Perfect Hotel?

Travel Weekly surveyed travelers (a combination of business and leisure) to see which hotel amenities are the most important to them when choosing a property. I agree with most of these, but think that complimentary breakfast is ranked correctly right up there at the top. Those that KNOW me, know I need breakfast in my life. Anyway, see if your own personal "needs" are met with these hotel amenities:

Complimentary Breakfast

I guess everyone enjoys being able to grab a quick breakfast in the lobby and enjoy it with 50 of your new best friends (many of whom are still in their PJs). I agree wholeheartedly, especially if they have a turkey breakfast meat option and a waffle maker!! In most of Europe, breakfast is included in the room rate, and can range from basic rolls & coffee to a huge spread.

Good Shower Pressure

Yep...high on my list too. I have a normal shower pressure at home and always look forward to having it better when I travel. It can be a real treat.

Internet / Free WiFi

It always blows me away that so may US hotels charge upwards of $12.95 per day for WiFi access! All over Europe, even the smallest mom and pop hotels (some of my favorites!) include free WiFi. I think this is worth a revolution...who's with me?

Plenty of Free parking

OK, I get it that some City-Center hotels simply don't have the space for parking and need to charge...And I am certainly willing to tip a valet well for good service...but it sure is nice to have the option to self-park your car for a reasonable fee, if not complimentary.

24-hour Front Desk Services

Not very high on my list...I'm usually stashed in my room before too late (I like sleep). But, I can see how it could be annoying for a tired business traveler to pull into a hotel after a long drive and have no one there to check him in.

Non-Smoking Facility

I mean who still does that?!?! I love having a totally non-smoking hotel at my disposal. Hawaii has a law forbidding smoking inside any hotels (with a few resorts that grandfathered in some smoking areas to cater to Asian tourists) and if it is good enough for them, it's good enough for me! Sorry smokers!

Swimming Pool

Only important to me if we are talking about a vacation resort...and then it is very important. When you have kids with you, they always want to know if there is a pool at the hotel, so I can see how this is very important in hotels that cater to mostly families.

Bar with Happy Hour

UH, YEAH!! I love to get my adult beverage in the evening.

Air Conditioning with In-Room Thermostats

Absolutely! I like to sleep in a crispy cool room with a blanket. Adjusting the thermostat should be a God-given right in any hotel room.

Coffee and Tea setup in Lobby

I've noticed that more and more resorts are forgoing their coffee service and putting a Starbucks in the lobby so you can have the privilege of paying for your morning caffeine - and having to get dresses before you can enjoy your first cup.

Did I leave out any of YOUR favorite hotel amenities? What makes you crazy if you find it missing from your room? I'd love to know, so drop your thoughts in my inbox, brothers and sisters!

DCB Travel Experience