Just Around the Corner

Since people are becoming leery of airports and flying, the next best thing to do is a short road trip to ease back into traveling. What constitutes a “road trip” for you? Is it the distance, the location, the sights along the way? What do you pack to make the trip comfortable? Here is a little insight into my thoughts on a short road trip.

In my opinion, a road trip is at least a two-hour drive. Two hours from my location is a nice day at the beach. That is the benefit of living in North Carolina, we have the best of both worlds, beaches, and mountains.  I keep a beach chair in my trunk for a spontaneous road trip to the beach.

For a day trip to the beach, I usually pack light snacks. More than likely chocolate will be in arms reach along with a soda or sweet tea. Even though it’s a short trip, when there is nothing to keep my attention but trees, my eyes can get heavy. There are usually beautiful wildflowers planted along the interstate but due to the pandemic this year, the Department of Transportation did not plant. Therefore, a dull ride can be tiring and snacks are a must for the ride.

On any road trip, you have to make sure you have a great playlist of music. It might be a short ride but you can get through any boring ride jamming to your favorite songs. Nothing says road trip more than belting out I’m Every Woman going 70MPH down the interstate. It helps when you have a great co-pilot that subs as a DJ as well so you can focus on the drive. 

On your next short road trip, I hope you remember to pack your favorite snack and drink in case it’s a boring drive. Then make sure you have a great playlist lined up with the best DJ to keep the hits playing.