What It Looks Like Now

Are you tired of the COVID discussions and new variants? I know I am but part of my job is to make sure my clients know their destination’s protocol to enter and exit the country. As you know I returned from Southern Africa and each country had its own rules that we had to abide by.

Prior to even leaving the USA, South Africa required a PCR test 72 hours prior to an international flight. Please be mindful of guidelines, some airlines take the 72 hours seriously. If your flight leaves at 7 PM on Friday, you cannot show paperwork testing from Tuesday at 5 PM. Yes, that’s within 3 days but not 72 hours. And we all know, labs are not testing after 4 PM so make sure you are the first person in the morning. This was my case, my international flight was at 10 PM on Saturday; therefore, I had to schedule my test for Thursday morning and cross my fingers and toes that I would get results in time. Because I was so paranoid about getting results in time, as they have the disclaimer of returning results within 1-2 days, I scheduled two PCR tests. Thank God I did…my CVS test was compromised in transport and couldn’t be tested. In my hysteria, I rescheduled that test and scheduled a new rapid PCR test that would give results in hours. That would have been 4 tests taken within 24 hours. But by the time I was scheduled for my rapid PCR test, my results from Walgreens came back NEGATIVE. What a relief!!! The retake CVS test results came in by Saturday morning. Now it was time to make sure I had the correct paperwork for the airlines. I downloaded the apps to have the capability to pull up the results and printed the “results” page. BIG mistake…I’ll elaborate later.

I get to RDU and because it is an international flight I cannot check-in online. The agent comes to make sure all my paperwork is in order and tells me that my printed results are not good enough. It only showed my “negative” status, but not the doctor’s signature, date of the test, etc. I’m scrambling to open the email and app to pull up the full report. I get it but cannot take a screenshot due to app security settings. So I’m hoping and praying since I showed it in RDU, surely all the airlines/connections communicate and I won’t have to keep showing these results….WRONG. I get to Newark late due to delays in RDU and have to show my results again. I use the app without an issue and board my 10-hour flight to Istanbul. During the connection in Istanbul, I have to show my results again. Here comes the issue….I couldn’t pull up the app. My phone was not connecting to the WIFI or my provider’s data. Now mind you, I was just on the WIFI in the Turkish Airlines lounge and using data prior. I am FREAKING out. I didn’t come this far to get denied boarding on this flight. After several attempts and silent prayers, the app finally works and I board my last flight. However, before I get to board the plane, there were several passengers having heated discussions with the airline agents as South African’s COVID guidelines were being interpreted differently. Some passengers felt like they could board with an antigen test with the knowledge that they could be tested randomly at the airport and have to quarantine if tested positive. The airline agents said they were instructed to only let those that have PCR test on flights. I’m not sure what the outcome was for those passengers because I had my own issues, but what I took from it is, just get a PCR test as it is widely accepted.

Flying in-between countries, testing was required as well. We were in Cape Town for 4 days so on day 2 it was arranged for us to have testing done at the hotel. Zimbabwe also had 72 hours of testing prior to departure. Then while we were in Zimbabwe for the 3 days, we had to be tested again at the resort to return back to South Africa. And then again we were tested at our South African lodge to return to the USA. In all, this trip I took 6 tests, some paranoia on my end in the beginning to depart but 3 while traveling in between the countries.

You’re probably wondering how they kept you protected while in the country. Tourism is the majority of the economy; therefore, if you want to feed yourself and your family you abide by the rules and their rules are vaccinations. All the guides, staff, etc. that we encountered were vaccinated. Zimbabwe has about 90% vaccination in the WHOLE country. And majority of the time, the staff and citizens wore masks. The staff and guides always asked if we had a preference and were comfortable. But while out in public, restaurants, hotels, and shops required masks, and some establishments conducted temperature checks. Sanitization stations were throughout the airports, hotels/ lodges, shopping centers, and restaurants. And just like my trip to Jamaica, it wasn’t a “suggestion” but a rule to enter.

My takeaways from this trip:

  1. Take a PCR test, don’t take your chances with an antigen test

  2. Have multiple ways of accessing your results: paper copies, app, screenshots, etc.

  3. Be prepared to have your temperature checked and sanitize when entering buildings

  4. Have a mask or two handy. Every encounter was different but be prepared