The Journey To Touchdown...

As much as I love football, this isn’t a sport’s article reference.

Towards the end of 2020, I made a decision that I would travel out of the country in January 2021. I knew the risks of the pandemic, but I also knew that my happy place/ peace of mind/ self-care is associated with traveling. Since the Caribbean is the main tourist destination open to the USA, I set my sights on Jamaica. On the Carnival Horizon cruise in 2019, there was a port of call in Ocho Rios. I figured revisiting the country but having the ability to stay longer would be ideal. Therefore, Montego Bay was the destination.

Before I describe my amazing trip, I must take you to the beginning of the process. You know there’s this little thing going around call COVID-19. It has brought the world down to its knees on how to move about and operate. In the research stages of the ideal destination, I knew Jamaica established regulations on entering the country. As with any country, you should visit their tourism board website to determine if there are any guidelines for entry. Entry into Jamaica requires a COVID-19 test at least ten (10) days prior to the departure date. To assist with calculating the correct date, the tourism board offers a date calculator. Once you determine the correct date, you will need to find a lab that conducts the specified test on the website. After enduring the nasal swab and receiving negative test results, next is to register and submit your travel authorization. This authorization has language in it that you can get randomly selected for testing when you arrive at the Jamaican airport and if you test positive that you agree to remain quarantined. Please make sure you read everything.

Now let’s fast forward to the day of departure. Unlike a domestic flight, checking-in online is not an option. The airline representatives will not only verify your passport information but also your COVID test and travel authorization paperwork. If they remember, it’s a new process, they should place an orange sticker on your airline ticket. This signifies at your connecting flight that all documents have been verified and you do not need a second verification at the gate.

Airlines have long forgotten the hot meals in the sky and with COVID, we are reduced to a baggy with a small bottle of water, a bag of pretzels, and hand wipes. There are no inflight services. I would suggest eating while you wait to board or have snacks. I’m always a fan of snacks but this trip I actually didn’t have time to pack any.

Finally, it’s touchdown time. Once arrived at the Montego Bay International airport, the fun begins. Off to Customs we go, but before you do that, you must sanitize your hands. We decided to take advantage of the Club MoBay VIP treatment, so we experienced fast track and escorted services. We met our escort, Marc and he whisked us down the hallways to another checkpoint. This location had temperature checks with officials. Some officials were seated with paperwork, I’m assuming for the random screening of the COIVD test. After the temperature check, security made us sanitize again. I hope your keeping track because Jamaica is not entertaining the chances of spreading the disease any further than what it is. Once through that checkpoint, we have to pick up our luggage and go through Customs. But guess what, before we can enter the Customs line, we have to sanitize. Completing the Customs process, we are in the open airport.

Besides the escorted service through the airport and Customs, Club MoBay comes with a lounge. However, before entering the lounge, you already know what you have to do, sanitize. Once seated, we were greeted by a server with a food menu and options of drinks. You can’t come to Jamaica without trying the rum punch so that was the drink of choice for us. And we waited there in the air-conditioned lounge with free Wi-Fi until our private ground transportation arrived.

It should be known without saying that we were required to wear our masks from the time we entered our departing airport until we reached our room at the resort. The only time a mask could be lowered was for eating and/or drinking purposes.

So how many times did you catch me say “sanitize”? Unlike my arrival at my home airport, I was required to sanitize zero times. Don’t get me wrong, there were bottles set up, but no one required it to move to the next section within the airport. Jamaica, on the other hand, will have you sanitize at EVERY step and for a little razzle-dazzle check your temperature.

Now we’re at the resort lobby, what do you think happens next?!? I guess you’ll have to return to see (read)….