Don't Get Stuck

Summer is in full effect, school is officially on break, and now what? Is it safe to travel? Should you stay local? Should you try a bucket list destination? If I’m vaccinated, will I still have to take COVID tests and possibly quarantine?

These are questions thousands of people are asking themselves. My host agency just returned from a trip to Morocco. Prior to COVID, Morocco was the place to be, especially the blue city (rated a Top 10 destination). The travel advisors that were able to experience the hosted trip, posted pictures on social media. Can you believe there were hardly any people in them? That signifies to me…prime time to go to a bucket list location so there isn't a crowd. You’ll get the IG worthy pictures without having to learn how to use photoshop to remove the background tourists.

When I went to Dubai in 2018, it was PACKED!!!! All the top tourist attractions had lines wrapped around the lobby. Luckily, we were with a group and some of the attractions had reserved times so we “skipped” the line. However, had I planned the trip as an independent traveler, I could've been in line for hours. Who wants to spend their vacation and time waiting in line?

As the world is slowly opening up, more European countries opening borders this summer, people are trying to book those bucket list destinations. This is mainly because all the canceled/ postponed reservations from 2020 have been rebooked for 2022. That means destinations will be slammed pack again and your top bucket list destination might not have availability until 2023. And believe me, advisors are working on itineraries for clients for 2023 as well. 

 But like I always say, you don't have to go international to have a great vacation. There are a lot of unsung destinations stateside. This month I'm highlighting some that I haven't been to on my social media pages. However, even some of those locations are hard to reserve at the moment because people just want SOMEWHERE to go that is not their house. 

 Don't get stuck without a vacation this year (we already did that in 2020). Talk to a travel advisor to discuss your options and start packing your suitcase. 

If you have questions, be sure to reach out so we can plan together.